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Friday, 18 November 2011

how to KISS your BOYFRIEND

your boyfriend has to be extremely comfortable while you kiss him. your smile will make him feel good. it should be that you are forced to kiss. remember one thing very carefully, only when you feel passionately for the guy then you should kiss him.

smile while you kiss. don't make the situation cheesy. the experience should be such that you both get memories to cherish. share the feelings after you kiss. the feelings that you share is very important. a good experience will tell you to repeat the action. 

first, you will have to break the ice. you can place your hand on your's boyfriend hand or on his cheek and neck. any guy will like it if you hold his hand. while you touch him, you break the ice. then you may proceed to be more intimate and close. talk while you are face to face. then you may look at his lips. he will surely come forward to kiss you. you may lean and kiss. 

remember, that don't kiss as you just feel like to kiss. wait for the right moment and you need to create the right ambience. you both should be alone. the kiss should be happen only when you both a close enough. the intimacy just doesn't get built up on one day. 

remember that slow and steady always wins the race. so, do not hurry to kiss him. try to follow him. set the right mood. it can be weekends spend together. you both may be alone. he will get the signal and you are willing to get a little close. he will surely make the first move. now most of your job is done. while he gets close lean a bit towards him to support his action. close your eyes and kiss him. even you do not stop kissing him. he might think that you did not like it and want to avoid him. 

after you finish kissing the reaction is important. he might get angry. if he is angry, then just end the story. if he is happy and pleased, then the story has a fairy tale ending. 

tips on kissing

  • breathe comfortably
  • have moist lips
  • close eyes
  • after you kiss, look down
  • try not to speak after you kiss
  • brush your teeth before you kiss
  • never smoke before you kiss 
  • make sure the situation dies not become messy
  • remember that guys like kissing

* korang jangan larh suke2 sngat na kissing neyh ... 
n ta bermksod i story sal neyh i sllu buat keyh!! 
NO NO NO!!! dont think negative yaww bout me !! 
i just want you all read bout kissing artikel... :D
makee sureee jgn suke2 na wat nan owg taw !! :D
bace neyh just untk tambah pengetahuan keyh!!  bukan ajaran dary i taw!!

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